(484) 424-9415


Safety Service Form

Chemtech Scientific regularly repairs laboratory vacuum pumps used in processes with hazardous process emissions. For everyone's safety, please complete the following fields, so Chemtech Scientific can evaluate and repair the vacuum pump in the safest and most environmentally friendly methods possible.

Repair Contact

Billing Address

Product Information

Explanation of ProblemRequired

Please select at least one

Warranty / Sales Status

Demo Repair Return for credit

For Everyone's Safety Required

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Decontamination Procedure

for Direct & Belt Driven Pumps
1. Flush Pump Three Times. Drain pump completely. Refill with fresh vacuum oil. Operate pump blanked off for at least 15 minutes. Repeat all steps two more times. Drain completely. Oil should come out clean, otherwise repeat until clean.

Terms and Conditions

Legally Binding Declaration

I/we Hereby declare that the information supplied on this form is accurate and sufficient to judge any contamination level. I/we have read and agree to the Decontamination Procedure, and Terms and Conditions.

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